Watson Family Bible

My Gran has a bible which records births, deaths and marriages going back to 1739. I thought this could be of interest to others and the best place to allow people to find this stuff is on the web. Some bits I couldn’t read; I’ve put that stuff in [square brackets]. I’ve probably made some spelling mistakes or misintepreted the handwriting too. Feel free to drop me a note if you find any relatives on this list!

This Bible was the Property of Ebenezer Hepburn, once chief magistrate of Dumfries in Scotland, and now fallen into the possesion of Henry Watson of Newcastle; born at Jedburgh in Scotland; being the Son of Henrietta Smith of that Town, who was the Grand Daughter of the above Ebenezer Hepburn.
Restored and Rebound 1878
Printed in 1731
and is therefore 147 years old
Henry Watson
Newcastle May 1878

Ebenezer Hepburn & Margaret McGachen was married 2nd of November 1739 by the Reverend Mr William Mookie Minister of the Gospel In Glencairn; at Dalwhat.
[numbering seems to be in a different hand to the following entries]
1 Emilia Hepburn was born 16th of August 1740
2 William Hepburn was Born on Sunday 22nd May 1743 between 3 & 4 o’clock in the morning.
3 Robert Hepburn was Born on Tuesday 18th Septr 1744 between 5 & 6 o,Clock in the morning.
4 John Hepburn was Born on Saturday 5th March 1748 between 6 & 7 o,clock in the morning.
Will Hepburn Dyed Saturday 26th May 1748 F:D:
5 Margaret Hepburn was born on Sunday 28th October 1750 between 4 & 5 o,clock in the morning baptized Thursday 1st Nov
Margaret Hepburn Dyed on Friday 17th Febry: 1752
6 Sally Hepburn was born on wesenday 27th Decr; N [D]: 1752
7 Jean Hepburn was born on Saturday night 23rd Augt 1755 baptized Thursday the 28th Augt by Mr Michael Greenhart.
8 Betty Hepburn was born Saturday 3 Sept 1757 about 12 o,Clock att night baptized Sabbath 4th Sept 1757 1757 by Mr John Scott.
[our dear] Son Robert Hepburn Dyed on Saturday 13th day of Janr [could be June] 1759 aged 14 years & about 4 months
my dear Wife Margaret McGachen Dyed on the 19th of March 1765 aged about years
my Dear Daughter Jean Hepburn Dyed on the 26th of April 1770 aged about 14 years & 8 months
My Worthy Father Dyed on Wensday Agust 6 1800 aged 84 years
Betty Hepburn Died on the 31st of October 1862 Aged 56

[a note in inserted here in the hand of Henry Watson]
“Record of the Smith Family so far as I know, Mary the wife of Mr Irving [?] School master of Bowdew died at that village, about 18
William Father of a large family died at Hawick:
Thomas, unmarried who suffered nearly 40 years from nervous debility, died at Jedburg, about Augt 1847. being 65 years of Age. Betty with her Husband’s family emigrated to the U States of America, probably died there.
Ebenezer died at Jedburgh about 1846. Henrietta died at Jedburgh(57 years of age) 1848.
James died at St Boswells.
Janet Irvine daughter of the above Mary Smith or Irving, died at Bush of flowers[?]; near Langholm: after 40 years Faithful Service with the Laing Family late of the Spread Eagle Hotel. Jedburgh.
May 7th 1878 H.W.

[original entries resume]
Thomas Smith was married to Sarah Hepburn 11th of March 1768, and had by her the following Children
John Smith, Born 16 April 1770 Died ..
Marget, Born 28th March 1773 Died in 1832.
Amelia, Born 24th March 1775. – Died 10 Febr 1817
Mary, born 11th May 1777
Sarah, Born 13th Feb 1779
William, Born 11th Nov 1780
Thomas, Born 4th Sept. 1782
Betty, Born 2nd June 1785
Ebenezer, Born 8th October 1788
Henrietta, Born 31st August 1791
The above born at Newhall
In the Village and Parish of Bedrule[?] … County of Roxb.
My Father Died the 24. February 1812
My Mother Died the 26.September 1818
My father Died in his 50th year

The Son & daughter of Henrietta Smith.
1, Henry Watson Born at Jedburgh Sep 16th 1826
2, Mary Waterston Born at Jedburgh Nov 11th 1833
Mary Law Born at Wooles 1813
died at Newcastle in June 1867 aged 53
1, Thomas Henry Watson Born at Milfield 6th Feb 1850. died at
Newcastle 1st April 1877 aged 27.
2, Robert Law Watson Born at Milfield
6th Feb 1852
3, Henry Watson Born at Milfield
17th Augt 1854
The above Henry Watson Junr was married to Margaret Maillard of Newcastle in Bath Lane Church
1st Child Katie Ethel Watson Born Jun 30 185[?]
2nd Child, Henry Watson […] Born Dec 24th 188[2?]
this Family Sailed to Brisbane in Qeensland, 11th July 1884. It landed safely there on Sepr 9th 1884.
After being there 3 months they sailed for Adelaide in Decr the same year and arriving about Christmas 188[4]
Their 3rd Child, Arthur a Boy, was Born on July 1? 1885, at Port Adelaide S. Australia.
About Christmas 1885, they endured intense Tropical Heat which laster for a Week. The thermometer reaching 173 degrees in the Sun.
from Mrs Watson’s letter of date January 10th 1886.
Rober Law Watson, son of Henry died 26th March 1926
aged 76 years
Henry Watson Died August 6 – 1898.
aged 71 years 11 months.
Mary Waterston died 23rd Jan 1923, aged 89 years.
Arthur E Watson married Emily Constance Fullwood, Sept 17th – 1908
Eric Maillard Watson their son born 29 November 1909
Eric Maillard Watson married Elsie Myrtle Caroline Bartlett on August 22nd 1936
Eric Maillard Watson passed away 11/2/92

[There are more recent etries for living Neishes and Watsons, but these are not reproduced here for privicy reasons].






One response to “Watson Family Bible”

  1. […] file  to see a family tree of my ancestors. Most of the information in this file came from a family bible originally owned by Ebenezer Hepburn who was the chief magistrate in Dumfries Scotland in the […]

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