Category: Neish

  • Holidays in Scotland

    If you are a Neish, then you must go and visit your ancestral homeland in Scotland. If you live there already, then you will know what I am talking about. I went to Scotland for a visit back in 2001.

  • Fairies stop developers’ bulldozers in their tracks

    Developers are having a hard time in St Fillans on Loch Earn, anscestral home of the Neishes. Ancient stories and legends are preventing developer from having their way in this part of Scotland. In particular, moving ancient stones is said to bring bad luck and might even kill the fairies. This article (,,2-1881612,00.html#) has the…

  • Descendents of Peter Neish

    The attached file is a tree of the descendents of my my great great great great grandfather Peter Neish (born 1811). See also the genealogy images on which much of this tree was based.

  • About the Neish Name

    The name Neish goes back to Scotland and has some interesting history associated with it – especially the conflicts with Clan McNab. I visited this region in 2001 and it is a wonderful part of the world. It was great visiting Loch Earn and seeing Neish Island. I’ve always read that Neish is a sept…